Gazette November 26th, 2024

The Board of Director of the Gosford Golf Club have approved the re-writing of the By-Laws pertaining to Article 2, Sub paragraph 2.4 and Article 4, Sub paragraph 4.5 and the insertion of Sub paragraph 4.9

2.4 There shall be five standing committees, two sections and one management committee, namely:
Standing Committees
(a) Finance
(b) Match
(c) Greens
(d) Governance
(e) Planning
(a) Ladies
(b) F-Troop
Management Committee
House & Facilities
And any such Committees and Sections as the Board shall from time to time appoint

4.5 Governance Committee
The Governance Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) Reviewing the Constitution and By-laws to ensure they reflect both State and Federal laws as well as the regulations of Clubs NSW and the State and National Golfing bodies;
(b) reviewing and ensuring the update of all policies and procedures within the Club;
(c) reviewing the annual election procedures including;
a. determining the skill sets required for the board
b. publishing the candidates profiles for all election of directors;
c. appointing a Returning Officer who shall;
i. check the candidate nomination forms
ii. check the candidates eligibility
iii. oversee the ballot result and report to the Annual General Meeting.
(d) Reviewing where necessary the applications of new members and;
a. Recommending to the Board the acceptance or rejection of any applicant; the Committee may make any enquiries relative to the applicant as it shall deem necessary;
b. Provide new members with a copy of the Rules of Golf and the Constitution and By-Laws of the Club
4.9 House & Facilities Management Committee
The House & Facilities Management Committee shall comprise the Operations Manager as the Chair and members of staff and club members of his/her choosing.
The House & Facilities Committee shall be responsible for:
(a) The upkeep, maintenance, and improvement of that part of the Golf Club consisting of the interior & exterior of the Clubhouse and the adjacent areas including the parking areas;

(b) co-coordinating resources in the most productive and efficient way to ensure the Clubs continuing appeal to existing and potential members;
(c) consult with the General Manager regarding all matters relating to the Clubhouse and surrounding areas;
(d) review and make recommendations for the renewal of all club facilities contracts including, Air Conditioning, Fire, Emergency Lighting, Security, Electricity, Water and Cleaning;
(e) maintain a detailed spreadsheet of all club facility contracts & records with expire dates, contact details, costs, contract SOW;
(f) make recommendations to the Board on proposed Clubhouse development or improvements;
(g) maintain an up-to-date maintenance schedule as required;
(h) must meet at least once a month;
(i) Provide a monthly report to the Board reviewing Clubhouse activities and issues.

By Order of
The Board of Directors
Gosford Golf Club