Board Present: Paul Scholberg (Chair), Greg Harrison, Alan Keith, David Medcalf, Graham Chee, Michael Crookes, Greg Skilbeck, Kieran Moran (GM).

Members Present: As per attendance sheet Apologies: As per attendance sheet Meeting opened:7:00pm

President Paul Scholberg apologised for the lateness of this AGM due to a number of factors not at least to COVID, and some frustrations and delays around the audit process.

The President informed the meeting that item 8 (Constitutional Amendments) on the agenda was withdrawn by the board and will be re-introduced to the membership in the new year

Item 1

Minutes of Last Annual General Meeting 29th September 2020

Moved: Deb Flanagan #1341         Seconded: Rob Benson #2184          Carried Business Arising: Nil

Item 2

To receive and consider the report of the Board

All reports were distributed and considered as read

Item 3

To receive and consider the Balance Sheet, Profit/Loss Statement & Auditors Report

All reports were distributed prior to the meeting

The Treasurer Allan Keith presented the reports

Key Points:

  • Surplus 273k – due to government support ($455,000 over the last two years)
  • Repaid all the bank debt ($350,000)
  • Kept staff on during Covid and paid all wages
  • Made upgrades to the course (7th & 10th Tee)
  • Upgraded 22 Golf carts
  • Purchased new greens equipment like a gator and rough mower
  • TAB was upgraded
  • New equipment purchased for bar like a refrigerator and ice machine
  • Purchase Xero to improve our financial system (more information-based system)
  • Replace payroll system
  • Replaced POS system
  • Upgraded MiClub and moved to the cloud form a server on site
  • Created a strong debt free balance sheet
  • We used government support wisely
  • Club still needs member support and patronage moving forward out with government support

Question: Joel Dobrogosz # 7642 In comparing financial years 2019/2020 to 2021 are there any equivalents to be made in terms of performance?

Answer: Treasurer – Membership is up and member revenue is up, comp revenue is up, though visitor revenue is down. Poker Machines and upstairs operations have had a big downfall with Covid closures

Question: Les Wielinga # 8206 Who do you see as our major competitors out there?

Answer: Treasurer – All clubs on the coast are our major competitors. In regard to the Proshop it would be Drummond golf


Question: Les Wielinga # 8206 Would you regard this club as a not for profit or private club?

Answer: Treasurer – We are a not-for-profit organisation. It’s not a private members club as we, under our leasing agreement, have to allow visitors onto the course.

Question: Les Wielinga # 8206 What’s you focus on selling the services?

Answer: Treasurer – Our focus is on the members and the general public on the Central Coast.

Question: Nigel Asken # 2180 There is an error in the auditor’s report on page 28 with a typo.

Answer: Treasurer – Happy to take it up with the auditors, thank you.

Question: Les Wielinga # 8206 What are the financial indicators you use to assess the business?

Answer: Treasurer – Revenue, number of members, comp rounds and visitor rounds. Costs spent compared to budget and last financial years. Primary focus is on golf and making sure we have available facilities for the members.

Question: Nigel Asken # 2180 Question about the increase in insurance costs and affiliation fees which had a large rise over the previous year. Why the substantial rise?

Answer: Treasurer – We never passed on the previous year’s increase. The fees were held at previous year’s rates due to Covid last year and this year’s reflection is based on two years increases.

Question: Nigel Asken # 2180 When is the council lease due for renewal?

Answer: President – 2033 our lease is due for renewal and will be reflective of councils new terms of a 5 + 5.


Question: Len Sargent # 440 Do this set of accounts, in your opinion, meet industry standards in regard to the P&L ratios and the balance sheet ratios, and those targets that you’ve set in your strategic plan?

Answer: Treasurer – In certain areas I would suggest we are in fact I would suggest we might be well ahead. Number of golf courses for example have been involved with haven’t made a profit for 15 to 20 years. I’d also suggest the fact that we’ve got half a million dollars cash in the bank and have no debt. The balance sheet ratios are actually pretty good.


A number of questions were asked, deemed not relevant to approving the financial statements.

Item 4

Election of Board Members

Returning officer – Ron Gowing # 940 announced he had inspected nominations & declarations and found them completed in accordance with the Constitution of the Gosford Golf Club. He declared the results of the 2021 elections. The positions of treasurer and directors of the golf club limited.

  • The Treasurer Allan Keith member, 1963 elected unopposed
  • Director Greg Skilbeck, member 914 elected unopposed
  • Director David Medcalf, member 2486 elected unopposed

Item 5

To Appoint the Club Patron for the ensuing year Nominated: Albert (Bert Jordan) # 1380

Nominated by: Bev Adams # 257         Seconded By: Vicki Foster # 1233

Nominated: Peter Davidson # 492

Nominated by: Bev Adams # 257         Seconded By: Vicki Foster # 1233

Their appointments are subject to their approval. Paul Scholberg to contact both nominees


Nominated: Duncan Dyer #1126

Nominated by: Paul Scholberg #917                 Seconded by: Kay Bailey #5638 Nominee agreed to have his name brought forward .Duncan Dyer appointed patron

Item 6

To deal with any business of which due notice has been given

No notices had been received

Item 7

Notice of Ordinary Resolutions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting.

To comply with Section 10-6) & 10(6a) of the Registered Clubs Act, it is now necessary that member approve entitlements for volunteer workers, Club Directors and Committee Members by vote.

First Resolution – For Directors

The members hereby approve and agree to the provision of the Club of the following benefits to Directors during their term of office.

  1. Reasonable expenses incurred by Directors in relation to such other duties, including entertainment of special guests to the club and other promotional activities performed by Directors, which activities and the expenses thereof are approved by the Board before payment is made on production of receipts, invoices, or other proper documentary evidence of such expenditure.
  2. Reserved car parking


The members acknowledge that these benefits are not available to members generally. Moved: Narelle Medcalf # 3224                                                           Seconded: Ron Gowing # 940        Passed

Second Resolution – for Professional Development & Education

The members hereby approve and agree to the reasonable expenditure by the Club for the professional development and education of directors until the next AGM and being:

  1. Reasonable cost of Directors attending seminars, lectures, trade displays and other similar events as may be determined by the Board from time to time.
  2. Reasonable cost of directors attending other registered clubs for the purpose of viewing and assessing their facilities and methods of operation provided such attendances are approved by the Board as being necessary for the betterment of the Club.

Moved: Rob Benson # 2184           Seconded: Len Sargant # 440 Passed Item 8

To consider and if thought fit, to pass the changes to the Constitution as listed on page 12-17

This was withdrawn by the board for future consideration

Item 9

General Business:

Question: Les Wielinga # 8206 Would like Graham Chee to be recognised for his hard and continuous work as Club Captain

Answer: President – I would like to thank Graham on behalf of the board and all members for his tenure as captain.

Question: Nigel Asken #2180 what the plans are for the 6th Fairway

Answer: Greg Skilbeck (Board member) – To prevent players being hit on the 7th tee, a fence was erected and the surrounding area turned into garden and the 6th fairway side replanted with Zoysia grasses


Question: Sheena Asken #1862 – Question about new staff, what is the current structure, many of the members would not know the board members and the staff? Could we please be introduced to all

Answer: President – All board members and staff were introduced. President   Paul Scholberg

Vice-President                   Greg Harrison

Captain                                 Graham Chee.

It is with great sadness that we had to accept Graham’s resignation as Captain of our Club. Les Wielinga went on record as to thank Graham for his great work during his tenure. Paul Scholberg thanked Graham on behalf of the board and all the members.

Bob Thomas – Vice Captain will fill the position this the board appoints a new Captain Treasurer            Allan Keith

Directors                              Greg Skilbeck                     Greens Committee

David Medcalf                   House & Facilities Committee

`                                               Michael Crookes              Planning Committee General Manager                                     Kieran Moran

Operational Managers

Golf       Tom Ballard House Dave Sillick Course Dave Nicholls

Financial Controller         Kelly Keegan

Administration                  Sarah Dillon & Yolanda Suters (not present)


Question: Sheena Asken #1862 – Have we been approached by Mounties?

Answer: President – We have not been approached.

Maurice Parsons #32 addressed the meeting and expressed that in his opinion the Golf Club should maintain it’s own identity and not allow a merger or takeover by any of these Clubs.

Question: Kay Baillie #5638 – Question about parking in the directors spots for the ladies?

Answer: President – The offer to use the spots has been extended to members of the ladies section.

Question: Nigel Asken #2180 – Question on the condition of the course and what is being done to improve, specifically around bunker maintenance and watering of the greens, fairways, and surrounds.

Answer: Greg Skilbeck – Thinks the course has improved a lot and we are aware of issues on the course. Due to Covid staff was at an all-time low and they have done a great job in achieving what they have on reduced staffing levels.

Our maintenance schedule is set and will be actioned throughout the next year based on priority ladder.

Question: Nigel Asken #2180 – Question about tree roots and covering up tree roots on the course.

Answer: Greg Skilbeck – It would not be cost effective or works effective to cover the tree roots around the entire course.

Question: Jeff Rogers #189 – Question about the different grasses planted on the course

Answer: Paul Scholberg – Explained the experiments with Zoysia on course around the 1st, 6th and putting green.

Question: Nigel Asken #2180 – Question about the donations in the balance sheet. Why was the donor not officially recognised and thanked

Answer: Treasurer – The individual requested to remain anonymous.


Question: Daniel Bosley #1578 – Do we feel that the club’s in a financial position to increase the capital expenditure on the course to improve the condition over the next 12 months to these three years. Once a task list is documented will the members see it?

Answer: Greg Harrison – It is impossible to predict the near financial future of this club due to Covid. All future capital works will be closely reviewed and actioned on their merit. The members can rest assured that the course is our main focus.

Question: Rhonda Robertson #464 – Is there any thought at this point to putting in any more private card sheds for members carts?

Answer: Paul Scholberg – Not at this stage. We are looking at replacing the green shed, which may impact on the members storing their carts near the greens shed. We are looking at various options



There being no further business the meeting was closed at 8:05pm





Signed as a true record by the Chairman.




